G-Loomis IMX 1163-2S-STSDR IMX Salmon Steelhead Side Drift Spinning Rod ZZZ

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The G-Loomis IMX Steelhead Side Drift Spinning Rods are designed for use with the side-drifting technique. The technique works by an angler positioning the boat at the top of a good looking run, allowing it to drift slowly downstream while the anglers cast to likely looking holding water and let their baits drift enticingly along-side the boat. It creates a very natural drift that can be extended as long as the holding water allows. When the fish takes the bait, they will usually drift slightly down current with the offering as they mouth it. Good anglers feel this "difference" in the drift and set the hook, but just as often, you see the strike as the fish grabs the bait and returns to the holding spot a few feet upstream. When this happens, they all but jerk the rod out of your hands. These rods provide line/lure control, power and sensitivity for use with this technique.

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