XXB Luhr-Jensen Ford Fender Lake Troll 13"; Rudder, 1-#7 Top & 1-#8 Bottom Blades; Blue Reflex

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Originally fashioned in the 1930's from the headlight reflector of a Model A Ford, few fishing products in the world have as glorious a history as the Ford Fender Lake Troll. Trolled at slow speeds, the Ford Fender produces maximum flash and vibration that draws fish from extremely long distances. Experiment with distances of 18 to 48 between the Ford Fender and trailing lure as sometimes fish come right to the troll and other times they like the lure back a bit further. Needlefish, Super Dupers, small Hot Shots and similar are all excellent lure choices behind a Ford Fender. See Tech Report #5: Lake Trolling Trout Techniques. Original blade design, attracting fish for over 70 years. Premium plating & polishing for maximum flash. Unique big-fish blades rigged on rigid solid stainless steel wire.

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