Fishing report 12-25
The rain is here and won’t quit! The rivers have all but blown out, and if not, they are very high. There are quite a few anglers who actually enjoy this time of year. They find success anchor fishing right along the shoreline or by plunking in the nearest soft water seam they can find. Larger Spin-N-Glos paired with a prawn, coho-stripe shrimp, or a cluster of salmon eggs is always a go-to technique. Focus your efforts on the lower sections of rivers, as brand-new steelhead are just starting to enter the tributaries. Pros Andy Martin and John Klar are well-versed in this fishery and are among the best in the business. They both love fishing large Spin-N-Glos and salmon eggs in very shallow water seams. As soon as the rain subsides and rivers start to drop, look to the smaller rivers first. Big Creek, Gnat Creek, Necanicum, and North Fork Nehalem are among the first rivers to drop into shape after a high-water event.
Winter Sturgeon fishing is super fun and a great way to get young or new anglers into the sport. Right now, the Willamette River is high and angry, with plenty of debris coming downstream. It would be wise to wait a bit and let the flows subside. Once they do, it will be game on! Squid, herring, sand shrimp, prawns, and shad strips all work very well as Sturgeon bait.
Bottom fishing was really great the week before this huge water event began. The rain, and especially the wind, has made for tough ocean and bar conditions. But, once Mother Nature calms down, the fishing should pick up right where it left off! Curly-tail grubs, shrimp flies, Farallon feathers, swimbaits, and scampis will all work very well.
Crabbing has continued to be great, but we anticipate a slowdown as the bays are super full of fresh water. However, as soon as the rivers start to drop and the bays flush out, we expect the crabbing to pick right back up!
Razor clamming along the Washington coast was superb during the last opener, and we have another seven-day opening starting this coming weekend! The weather may not be as nice as it was during the last set of digs, but the clamming should be just as good!