Fishing report 2-19

Fishing report 2-19

Fishing Report: Big Water, Big Opportunities 

The rain has finally arrived! First, we had snow, then freezing rain, and now heavy downpours. As a result, 99% of rivers are blown out, but when the water drops back into shape, big opportunities await. 

Late February is often the peak of the Winter Steelhead run, with fish spread throughout river systems. Up high, older fish are beginning to spawn, while fresh, sea-lice-covered Steelhead are arriving down low. The key is waiting for river levels to cooperate. 

Once conditions improve, target wide, slow-moving tail outs, fast water seams, and areas where small feeder creeks are pumping out clear water—prime spots for Steelhead as the rivers clear. High-water anglers typically reach for larger offerings, including Spin-N-Glos with bait, corkies and yarn, plugs, spinners, spoons, and large pink worms. Don’t forget to bring a variety of scent options—Steelhead rely on their noses as much as their eyes. 

Spring Chinook Bounty 

Has anyone landed a Springer yet? If you or someone you know catches a hatchery Spring Chinook, bring it to any of our three locations to claim a $100 gift card and a large fish bag as part of our Spring Chinook bounty! 

Other Fisheries Update 

  • Catch & Release Sturgeon – Fishing was strong until this high-water event. Squid, herring, sand shrimp, and smelt had been producing well. Also, recently announced, 2 more additional Sturgeon retention days in the Dalles Pool! Feb 22nd and Feb 27th only! Be sure to read all the rules and regulations before heading out. 

  • Razor Clamming – The last Washington beach opener was excellent, and more tentative dates are on the schedule. Stay tuned for updates! 

  • Bottom Fishing – When rivers are blown out, bottom fishing is a solid alternative. If ocean conditions allow crossing the bar, anglers are finding great success with a variety of bottom fish species. Pro guide Andy Martin has been limiting out on Lingcod along the Southern Oregon coast using Scampi tails and large curly tail grubs. 

  • Kokanee at Lake Merwin – This fishery remains a great fallback when rivers are unfishable. Kokanee don’t mind the rain! Successful anglers are trolling dodgers high in the water column with Spin-N-Glos, small spinner blades, Kokanee Cutplugs, Spindawgs, and Hotmail lures. 


Tight lines, and good luck out there!