Sea Dog Oil Change Pump w/Battery Clips - 12V 501072-3

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This portable, lightweight Premium Electric Oil Pump is easy to use and transport. The self-priming 12V pump attaches to battery terminals with alligator clips and drains oil through the dipstick tube on outboards and sterndrives. Convenient DIY operation saves money on expensive oil changes. Its compact size makes it is easy to store. Includes 48” inlet and 80” outlet hoses. 12VDC. 60W. Maximum run time: 30 minutes. NOT intended for commercial use. NOT suitable for pumping out transmission oil, water, or flammable liquids.


Oil flow rate: 0.84 quarts/min @ 140°F (0.8 liters/min @ 60°C)
Diesel flow rate: 1.9 quarts/min @ 75°F (1.8 liters/min @ 23°C)

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